Welcome and thank you for considering non-voting membership with the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of California (IIABCal), the state trade association representing independent insurance agents and brokers in California. Completing this application is your first step to benefiting from visibility, access, and commitment to independent insurance agents and brokers.
To be eligible to join IIABCal as a Non-Voting Member, you must be an individual or business entity engaged in a field related to and supportive of the interests of IIABCal, or network, or other group of independent insurance agencies engaged in a field related to and supportive of the interests of IIABCal. Non-Voting Members do not have any of the voting rights or other rights afforded voting members under the California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law, although a non-voting member may be elected to a voting position on the IIABCal Board of Directors.
Non-Voting Membership dues are based on your category of business.
All firm-specific and operating information will always be maintained confidentially by IIABCal.
Upon receipt of a complete application, a dues quote and invoice will be generated for your review. Membership becomes effective upon remitting dues.